alright, things just got real around here! I just received my staging email (the email that says everything i need to know before leaving!!!) I also just made my flight arrangements, during which, the guy asked if I wanted window or aisle and when I responded that I didn't mind he said "you're leaving for 3 years, i'll give you window so you can wave goodbye." yikes.
But I will meet the rest of my group in Philadelphia where we will turn in a lot of paper work and get some shots (I also just found out that I have to get the H1N1 shot before I go, too, it's like a bonus shot!)
Below is my schedule for the two days:

First of all, I love how in the email 'completed forms' was highlighted, and above it is in bold. I think they really want us to have those forms completed. :)
Iit is so entirely surreal to look at that and see "Flight departs for Burkina Faso" I really don't know what to think about that right now. But I should probably start tracking down paperwork! Eeek!
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