
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This can now be found over on the right under contact info, but my address for the next 3 mos is:
Danielle Parshall, PCT
s/c Corps de la Paix
01 B. P. 6031
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso

Tomorrow we actually fly to Burkina! This morning i left MN for staging, which has been mostly policies and getting to know some of my fellow trainees. They seem like a pretty cool bunch :)

well, i think i'm going to give my luggage one last go over before the long flight, and maybe try to get a little more sleep than the 2 hours i got last night!
miss you already!


  1. Staging? Is that a little bit like a sorority or fraternity rush? More than likely. ;)

    Karibu Afrika.

  2. so exciting, lady!!! I hope the flight went well! :o)
